On Monday night we had a successful frog walk but the wind was too much for trying to get any decent recordings. The weather is warming up which is nice since we don’t need to do the “should I wear a sweatshirt” though experiment prior to leaving the house. The Peepers and Boreal Chorus Frogs are a little quieter on warmer nights but still in full chorus mode. I still set up my recorder to see if I missed any calls while listening in person. On the walk to and from the marsh we have a new operation, Operation Move Frogs. Those little hoppers keep getting hit by cars! We have come across a few dead frogs and toads this year.

Last night I decided to go out again. After having colder than normal temperatures it was nearing 90 and humid yesterday. It was a crazy night out! I never got an invite to the frog party so I invited myself. I spent 1.5 hours listening for and finding frogs. I counted hearing six frogs last night when in person. When listening to my recordings I’m hearing eight!! I’ll have to spend some time this week going through what I collected last night. I’m very excited about this since this isn’t something we experienced last year. More to come!

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